I recently started a long term sub position as a High School
Librarian. Filling in during someone’s
maternity leave would allow me to get back in the library to decide whether it
is something I still want to do and more importantly, TO MAKE MONEY. You see, my husband works for the State of Oregon and has been
furloughed at least every other month for the past three years. So, we need the money.
When I found out, within weeks of me starting at this
position, that the teacher’s union might strike, I groaned. I am not a union member. I am here to work. We have increased daycare costs associated
with this decision. We need me to make
money so I can pay for it. This is not
my fight.
As my husband said last night, “This is so something that
would happen to you”. Of course it
is. This is my life. I finally get a regular job. I go to work every morning at the crack ass
of dawn to a job I don’t like so I can help support our family and they want to
take the money away. This is so my life.
I respect what these teacher’s want. I am very interested in the
process. I am intrigued to see how it
all turns out. But this is not my
The press is out front.
The students are inside like any other day. What will happen on April 22? We shall see.